what i am eating
I love cooking and eating, and I especially love looking at pictures of food! If you love food as much as I do, please add your food pictures/recipes/food related posts to the linky below. All you have to do is link back to this blog post. I look forward to seeing what everyone else is eating this week!
I would love it if you could grab the what i am eating badge below, include it in the post you are sharing, put it on your link page, or put it on your side bar. Thanks!

You know those weeks where you just do not feel like cooking? Well this week has been that week for me! Which is also evident in the fact that I only posted on Monday. I guess getting into a good routine has been a little more difficult, after starting homeschool this year, then I expected! But, I have to say, not cooking does has its benefits. These nacho chips are absolutely amazing, a definite favorite. Paired with some super hot salsa, and you have a delicious meal (well at least I do!). My family has been eating a lot of salads, and pasta dishes, as well as sandwiches. Hopefully next week will be more relaxed for me (ha!) and I will do a little more cooking.
Now for my favorites from last week:
When I don't feel like cooking we have omelets and home made potato wedges and salad, and when I really don't feel like cooking we have leftover dinners which I have frozen for just such a day!
Thanks so much for featuring my video. How cool is that!
Thanks for including me in the link up again…
I LOVE those chips – crispy, crunchy and perfection…with fresh salsa…sounds great for dinner!
We've been eating tons of chips and salsa lately! Our tomato plants have been going crazy, so we've made lots of salsa in the past couple weeks. It's the perfect afternoon snack!
Thanks so much for featuring my Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken!