Homeschool Planning – Creating Monthly Themes
coming back to monthly themes. I like to
have a sense of where we are going throughout the year, and I think themes are
a great way to do that. When I got the Erin Condren Teacher Planner and saw that they included a calendar page
listing all the holidays throughout the year, major and obscure, I thought this
would help in my deciding on themes.
a monthly theme?
using projects.
incorporate it within our homeschool every year. By taking a monthly theme, Independence Day
in July, it allows the kids to go deeper within a subject.
and make it a project. I want them to be
able to learn how to research, learn how to put together some sort of report or
presentation, and delve deeper into the learning process.
the monthly theme?
this theme idea is going to work out.
and then use that theme to go deeper with the kids. I want them to decide on an aspect of the
theme that interests them, and give them direction on how they can use the
theme to work on a project.
I thought having the blank books, one for each monthly project, would allow
them to use a medium they enjoy currently for further learning.
thinking about using?
straight forward, The First Thanksgiving for November, Advent and Christmas for
December. I thought apples for
September, and perhaps an entire month of Dr. Seuss in March, since that is
when his birthday is. Space is another
one I thought of, because the kids absolutely love to learn about the stars and
range project, and I think that the kids will be excited to take some ownership
in their projects.
span to work on a project, so I definitely reserve the right to change my mind
as we go along. But, for the time being,
I think that the projects are going to work out nicely.
to school/all about me” theme. This will
be a way to ease into the school year, and our use of themes each month. I am really excited about seeing what the
kids come up with, as well as encouraging them to delve deeper into the
different topics we will be focusing on.
your homeschooling? Do your kids enjoy
working on a large project over a longer period of time?
Great ideas! We use weekly themes in our summer day camps. The kids love them and they get excited about having a new focus each week!
What a great idea to use themes! My daughter isn't officially in school yet but she's ready to learn so I think I'll try this, too.
Having a theme each month is a fun idea. We usually do this, but not in an organized way. I love the idea of planning ahead.