2021 PowerSheets Prep Work: Goal Setting 101
It’s time to start thinking ahead to 2021. That includes sharing my 2021 PowerSheets Prep Work with you! If you have your PowerSheets, and you haven’t completed your prep work, now is the time to do it!
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This will be my 6th year using the PowerSheets for my goal setting. It is an important part of my personal and professional growth strategy. The 2021 PowerSheets Prep Work allows you the opportunity to really deep dive on what went well for the previous year, as well as where you want to go in the coming year. Is everything perfect? Nope, absolutely not. However, it is a great starting place!
2021 PowerSheets on Sale until 1/4/2021!

2021 PowerSheets Prep Work: Start
The first place you will start is with your name. This is the easiest part, so write your name down and let’s get to it!
The 2021 PowerSheets are filled with a lot of great information to help you use them effectively, so don’t skip over reading through them! This is an important part of the process and will help you to hone in on what is important to you for the coming year.

Once you have written your name down you are going to start with your 2021 goal ideas. Some people will go into their new PowerSheets having an idea of what they want to work on for the new year. However, if you don’t, that is totally OK! That is part of the 2021 PowerSheets Prep Work – to figure out what is most important. These are just ideas. Think of it as a brain dump.
PowerSheets Prep Part 1 video
Who are you?
The next couple of pages of the 2021 PowerSheets prep work are going to be about who you are and what fires you up. How do you view yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are the things that you are passionate about.
It can be difficult to be really honest here, but you want to be. This prep work is for your eyes only (unless you want to share it!). So be honest. Don’t hold back. You want these PowerSheets to work for you. Don’t let insecurity or comparison change what you will write.
Then you are going to move into your Cultivated Life Evaluation. These eight categories will be revisited each quarter. This does not mean that you have to have a goal for each of these categories. And some may not specifically apply to you. However, it does give you some ideas as to where you are starting your year. It allows you to see where you may want to make changes going forward.

2021 PowerSheets Prep Work: Reflection
Now you are going to move into the reflection part of the PowerSheets. This is where you will think through the good things and the challenges for 2020. 2020 has been quite the year, and while there has been a lot of negative, there has also been a lot of positive. Don’t dwell only on the negative!
Once you reflect on the previous year you will start to look at what kind of box you have put yourself in. Is there something that you tell yourself you aren’t good at and because of that you never try to improve that aspect of your life? You want to get out of that identity box and start to think about who you really are. Move past your fear and look ahead to what you want to change!
PowerSheets Prep Part 2 Video
The Big Picture
At this point you are going to start to look at the big picture. Where do you see yourself many years from now? This will help you figure out what is most important to you. When you look back on your life, what will have mattered?
For me, this is always relationships. My relationship with God, my relationship with my family, and my relationship with my friends. Those relationships and to an extent the experiences will be the most important thing to me. Does that mean that you throw out everything else? No, absolutely not, but I always think about my goals with relationship at the forefront. Will this be something that eventually builds my relationships? Or will it be something that seriously detracts from those relationships?

2021 PowerSheets Prep Work: My Cultivated Year
At this point in the prep work, you are going to have the opportunity to go back through everything that you have done and really figure out what you want your year to look like. It is OK if it seems like a reach – that is part of goal setting. You want to reach for some things. Let this be a chance for you to really show what you want your year to look like.
And then you are going to move right into one of the most important pages in my opinion – the yes and no list.
I have talked before about decision fatigue. Decision fatigue is exhausting both emotionally and even physically. When you have a list of what you are saying yes to and what you are saying no to, already written down, it makes evaluating your decisions 100 times easier throughout the year. You can always change the list if you need or want to. However, having a list means that when someone asks you to do something, and it is on your list, you can immediately say no, because you already made a decision to say no to that thing before you were even asked.
Rough Draft of Goals
At this point in your 2021 PowerSheets Prep Work you will go back through and fill in the blanks for your best year. This year the PowerSheets has page references so you can go to the specific place in the PowerSheets prep that has the answer for you. Write out all of your answers to see your year start to take shape.
Now you are ready to start a rough draft of your yearly goals. These can be the same goals that you started with way at the beginning of the process (if you spend a lot of time considering goals before you start your prep work like I do). Or, it can be all new goals, depending on what your PowerSheets are telling you.

I tend to use themes as I start to write out my goal ideas. I will talk about that more in my goals and word of the year post.
For now, pour yourself a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, put on a movie for the kids, and start going through your 2021 PowerSheets Prep Work so that you have everything you need to set your intentions and goals for the new year!
Have you started your prep work for 2021? What goals are you thinking about for 2021?