31 Days – Tea for Comfort and Relaxation

When I was growing up, my mom always drank tea. Of course she always drank coffee as well
(I’m convinced that is why I love coffee so much), but I remember a lot of tea
(I’m convinced that is why I love coffee so much), but I remember a lot of tea
We would go to visit family friends most Sundays after
church, and I remember the kids all playing and the adults all sitting around
the table drinking tea.
church, and I remember the kids all playing and the adults all sitting around
the table drinking tea.
Is my mom the only one who carried tea around in her
purse? Actually, this is something else
I have inherited from my mom, I always have tea in my purse…
purse? Actually, this is something else
I have inherited from my mom, I always have tea in my purse…
As we move to the colder months, I think more about
tea. Like I said above, I am a coffee
drinker, but during the winter I start to drink tea all day long.
tea. Like I said above, I am a coffee
drinker, but during the winter I start to drink tea all day long.
Tea is such a comforting drink. There are so many different kinds and
flavors, and I especially love the herbal teas and their health benefits.
flavors, and I especially love the herbal teas and their health benefits.
One simple pleasure is to sit in the evenings and have a cup
of chamomile tea with a splash of whole milk.
It helps me to relax in the evening.
of chamomile tea with a splash of whole milk.
It helps me to relax in the evening.
After a long day at the office, or with your kids, having
some time to unwind is important, and incorporating tea into that evening routine can be a treat.
some time to unwind is important, and incorporating tea into that evening routine can be a treat.
There are so many different teas available, and you can find
something for pretty much any mood. I
love peppermint, and chamomile, like I said before. I also love Rooibos tea. A little milk and honey makes it taste
amazing, and even my kids will get into drinking tea in the winter.
something for pretty much any mood. I
love peppermint, and chamomile, like I said before. I also love Rooibos tea. A little milk and honey makes it taste
amazing, and even my kids will get into drinking tea in the winter.
How does this translate to self-care?
I have always thought that drinking tea makes you slow down
a bit. You have to wait for the kettle
to boil the water, and then wait for the tea to steep and be ready for
drinking. It can be a wonderfully relaxing
time at the end of the day.
a bit. You have to wait for the kettle
to boil the water, and then wait for the tea to steep and be ready for
drinking. It can be a wonderfully relaxing
time at the end of the day.
Even if I am completely frazzled, drinking some hot tea
typically calms my nerves and lets me center myself again.
typically calms my nerves and lets me center myself again.
It is perfect to have tea and meditate, write in a gratitude
journal, sit in quiet (after the kids go to bed), and reflect on your day.
journal, sit in quiet (after the kids go to bed), and reflect on your day.
Are you a tea
drinker? What is your favorite tea?
drinker? What is your favorite tea?
I love tea! All different types and agree it's the perfect evening (or anytime) treat!
I'm a tea drinker. I, too remember my grandmother and my mom drinking tea. I was a treat to have grandma make me a cup of tea with cream. I usually go for Tazo Awake tea, but I drink it in the morning!