
What is Stopping you from Crafting Your Dream Life?

It’s an honest question! What is stopping you from crafting your dream life? We are always faced with choices in our lives, and the decisions that we make define what our lives become. It is easy to say that my life circumstances are the reasons that I can’t achieve my dream life. But, is that actually a copout?

Is it possible that you are already letting yourself be taken over by limiting beliefs and that is what is stopping you from crafting your dream life?

What is Stopping you from Crafting Your Dream Life?

Obviously we have already talked about limiting beliefs, but I want to revisit a certain limiting belief here. That limiting belief is that we can’t because of our life circumstances. Whatever they may be, we aren’t able to overcome them – whether that is how we were raised, how much money we have, the area we live in, the friends we have (or don’t have!). All of that can easily contribute to why you think you can’t have a specific life.

Now, I’m not trying to sugarcoat things. There are some parts of crafting your dream life that will be very difficult to overcome. But, it is possible. The problem comes in the amount of discomfort you are willing to live through in order to get to that dream life.

Goals are Hard

When we set goals, we want to make forward progress. That is the point of the goal, right? But, you sometimes forget how much work goes into actually accomplishing a goal. It isn’t always fun work! Sometimes, of course, it is. When a goal is putting together a scrapbook for your kids, that can be fun, and challenging as well. But, it isn’t hard in the sense that you realize you have to move to another state. It isn’t hard in the fact that you have to go down to one vehicle in order to have enough money to start your business.

There are challenges when you make those big over-arching lifestyle goals. Where you have to make the choice to give up some comfort sometimes for a little bit of progress. I think that is what is stopping you from crafting your dream life – and it is the reason I have similar struggles!

The Bottom Line

This is a very quick post this morning about the challenges related to living the life you want to live. It isn’t easy. It is challenging. If it were easy, everyone would do it! But, when you understand the why behind your goals, behind the reason you want to live a specific way, it helps drastically. What is stopping you from crafting your dream life is not making the mindset shift to something different.

There is a reason you have been working hard, or writing down all the things you want to do with your life. It is up to you to take the next step and understand the amount if discomfort in the short-term you are willing to live through in order to live the life you want.

I definitely relate this to homeschooling. We made some major financial choices when I decided to stay home with Emma, and then when I decided to continuing staying home with Emma. They were not easy choices. People definitely looked at us like we were crazy. But! They were the best choices for us. And that is the bottom line. If they are the right choices for you, you need to let go of what everyone else thinks and feels about those choices.

What uncomfortable choice do you need to make today in order to move towards your dream life?

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