The Girls Goal Planner – Cultivate What Matters
Goal-setting is one of those things that has come to the forefront of my everyday. I love to be able to sit down and flesh out my goals, and more importantly, the why behind those goals. You can imagine how excited I was to hear about the brand new Girls Goal Planner from Cultivate What Matters.
I have been using the tools that Lara and her team over at Cultivate What Matters, makes for many years now. They have become pivotal in how I am looking at my day. From the Write the Word journals that I use during my morning devotion time, to their PowerSheets Goal Planner.
The fact that the release of this new planner was right around the same time as my daughter turned 12, it seemed perfect!
Girls Goal Planner – What is it?
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The Girls Goal Planner is just what it sounds like, a goal-planner for girls ages 8-13. It has a lot of the same features that the PowerSheets Goal Planner has, but toned down for the age range.
This planner is going to offer a full year of goal planning that you can do with your daughter. I say with, because this is the first year that we will be using it. I know that it took me a while to use my own goal planner in the best way for me. So, I want to help guide my daughter while she works on hers as well.

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Construction of the Planner
The Girls Goal Planner is reminiscent of the previous years’ PowerSheets. The cover is a flexible material, and it is on a white plastic coil. You can easily wipe off the cover. And it seems pretty indestructible. Last year the team at Cultivate What Matters actually ran over one of the PowerSheets planners. So, I am pretty confident in the construction of the covers and coil.
It has a beautiful floral design on the cover. Definitely bright and cheery. And that continues right through the entire planner.
The paper is of good quality. Similar to the PowerSheets Goal Planner, if not the same. Also, each section has laminated tab dividers which are a thick cardstock. Most likely you could label the blank tabs with a sharpie pen.

Opening the Girls Goal Planner
When you first open the planner, it has a little letter on a notecard to you, the parent. This gives some tips on how best to encourage your daughter or the girl in your life to use the planner. Things like finding a specific time to check-in each week.

My current plan is to use our weekly meetings to check-in, and have a time for her to go through and set up her week ahead. Since my daughter is moving into the upper-middle grades, we are trying to teach her the value of her time. Using the Girls Goal Planner will help in giving her a fun activity to do while also managing her life.
Then you will come to the cover page where your daughter can put her name and the year that she is using the planner. Next, you flip the page to a little letter about the year ahead.
No planner is complete without stickers. Obviously the team at Cultivate What Matters was on the ball. There are 4 pages of stickers right at the beginning of the planner. And they are beautiful, with gold accents.

Girls Goal Planner – Prep Work
One of the best parts of this Girls Goal Planner is what I think of the prep work pages. These pages allow your daughter to go in and think about who she is, what she wants to accomplish, and most importantly why.

A lot of work went into these prep pages. Clearly, you can see how important it is to deep-dive on some of these topics.

Emma especially likes that there are pages for coloring involved. She loves anything art related, and giving her the freedom to color some of these pages herself is an extra treat. Additionally it will encourage her to continue coming back to the planner.

The Meat of the Girls Goal Planner
Once you get through the prep work pages, you will have the opportunity to get into the meat of the planner. There are a few different sections within each tab.

Monthly Calendar
Each month of planning pages starts with a page which month you are moving into. Following that monthly cover page is a blank monthly spread. Your daughter will date the calendar herself. This is a great practice for girls to get on board with planning out the month ahead.
This monthly spread could be used for anything. Some ideas are:
- normal monthly planning
- birthdays/important dates
- deadlines for goal action steps

It really depends on your daughter, and how old they are. Obviously if you have a young daughter, you may need to help her with the calendar portion. With this in mind you can help direct your daughter to what makes the most sense with these pages.
The Tending List
Following the monthly spread is the tending list spread. Like the PowerSheets, there is a place for your daughter to put what she is excited for as well as things to do.
This is where you figure out what goals you will be working on for the month.
Once you figure out your goals, you can then move to the tending list page, which is perforated. It has space for one big goal, as well as a shooting start to mark your progress. Additionally there is a place at the bottom to work on a habit that will help you with that goal. And there are hearts that she can check off each day that she works on that habit.

The tending list is blank on the back, so it would be easy for your daughter to doodle or draw something important. Following the tending list is a quote coloring page. Again, this is one of Emma’s favorite parts of the entire planner.

Blank Weekly Spreads
You will then find blank weekly spreads. There are five for each month. Each weekly spread goes from Monday-Sunday. Your daughter will fill in the dates. Besides the daily boxes where she can plan there is space for the book she is reading as well as what she is excited about for the week. Also, a place for notes, something that feels hard that week, and a spot for what she is grateful for.
When I heard that there would be weekly spreads in this girls goal planner, I thought it might be a perfect place for her to keep track of her school. However, I don’t think there is enough space for her to write out her assignments for the week.

Obviously, I want this girls goal planner to work as well for her as possible. So, we will be working together to figure out the best use of these pages. I thought perhaps memory keeping. She can write down a sentence each day of what happened.

Bonus Spread
After two weekly spreads you will then come to the bonus spreads. These are all 2-page spreads based on a particular “I am” statement.
- I am a Helper
- I am Unique
- I am Brave
- I am Patient
- I am Diligent
- I am Curious
- I am Beautiful on the Inside
- I am Kind
- I am Confident
- I am Encouraging
- I can make a Difference
- I love to Celebrate
Obviously having these spreads in the middle of the month is going to be such a treat for your girl. She will have the option to really build her self-esteem and think about herself in a new way. Also, it gives her an opportunity to step back and see the big picture.
As she goes through these “I am” statements throughout the year, she will get to know herself better. Additionally, it will give her an amazing confidence boost.

The End of the Planner
Also included right at the end is a folder. The folder is good quality and will allow your daughter to put notes, stickers, or whatever she wants in there as a keepsake

The Bottom Line
The new Girls Goal Planner is going to be a great addition to your daughter’s life. As she makes her way through the planner, she will get to know herself better. Goal planning is important, and teaching it to her at a young age will help her as she grows.
Because of the thought-provoking questions, and beautiful colorful spreads, I know my daughter will be going back to this planner week after week. Also, the “I am” statement spreads are so encouraging, and can’t wait to see what she does with them!
I think this goal planner would be great for any girl in your life, but if your daughter is on the younger side, make sure you are available to help with the writing. You want her to succeed, and sometimes the act of writing things out can be challenging. I’m pleased to see so many spaces for drawing pictures in addition to the writing. Honestly, that will help break up any serious writing if your daughter is younger.
What I am most excited about though, is that time together where she and I can work on goal planning and dreaming together.