2020-2021 Erin Condren Life Planner
I received the brand new 2020-2021 Erin Condren Life Planner back at the end of April. In fact, I received one from Erin Condren and purchased another because I could not decide which design I wanted!
I have been in a neutral Erin Condren Life Planner since they started coming out with a neutral design. However, last year I was not as much of a fan of the neutral kaleidoscope design. Honestly, it wasn’t my favorite. But, at the same time, it wasn’t as crazy as the colorful they came out with last year.
If you are interested in the walkthrough video that I did of the colorful layers vertical, you will be able to find that below.
2020-2021 Erin Condren Life Planner: Colorful Layers
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When I saw the colorful layers design sneak peek, I was a little worried. I didn’t think that I would like it. However, when it came into my hands, all I could think of was how beautiful and vibrant the colors were. The 2020-2021 Erin Condren Life Planner in the colorful layers design is beautiful.

They simplified some of the design elements and toned down some of the colorful flourishes, which I was thankful for.
My first year in an Erin Condren Life Planner was back in 2014 when I was pregnant with my youngest. What drew me to the planner was how beautiful it was with all of the colors, as well as the quality and functionality of the planner itself.
The fact that they made so many beautiful design choices for the colorful layers version of the Life Planner made my choice to jump back to the colorful version a little bit easier!

2020-2021 Erin Condren Life Planner: Neutral Layers
The neutral layers version of the life planner is just as lovely as the colorful. However, it is not a true neutral as I would expect in a neutral planner. I don’t really like the pastel color palette that they have for the neutral planner now.
The other thing that made me switch back to the colorful is the font. Now, usually I love the script font. It is so pretty! However, over the past year I have been drawn to a much simpler, straightforward font.

Finally, the last reason that I have decided to move back to the colorful layers version of the 2020-2021 Erin Condren Life Planner is because of the stickers at the back of the book. I love the bright stickers! They are beautiful, and make me want to use them.
I haven’t really used stickers in my neutral planners the past couple of years, because they changed the stickers to a more pastel version. While it is nice to have stickers that match the inside design of the specific planner you are using, I wasn’t drawn to those colors, therefore I didn’t use them.
Now, Erin Condren does offer the stickers in the back of the planner as a separate purchase. So, if you like the neutral planner, but want the colorful layers stickers, you can still purchase those separately.

What about the other Life Planner?
I know you are wondering what I will do with the neutral life planner. I am going to use it as a memory keeping journal for my kids over the next year.
A couple of years ago I purchased a vertical life planner specifically for memory keeping. I have three kids, there are three boxes in the vertical, it makes sense for me to use it for memory keeping and journaling about my kids.
I have a Polaroid Zip Printer which I use for printing out little pictures from my phone and sticking them into the different boxes throughout the week. Then I will journal a couple of sentences in the boxes corresponding to each of my kids.
I’m excited to get to July and start using both of these planners!