How to find out what is Most Important in YOUR Life
What is most important in your life? That is the question we are going to start with in this series. Living a life you love means that you will lean into what is most important. However, working through these different steps, you may shift what you believe is most important.
Today we are going to work on what is most important in your life. This is going to be the jumping off point to see where to go next as we desire to live a life we love.
What is Most Important in Your Life – a list
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If you were to make a list of things that are most important in your life right now, what would they be? Take a minute and stop reading. Take out a piece of paper, or use the notebook you started yesterday, and make a list of what is most important in your life. It doesn’t have to be long and drawn out, just a few things is fine. If you have a long list, that is also fine! Take 5 minutes and just brainstorm. Don’t worry, I will wait!
How did it feel to write out this list? Was it hard to figure out? Sometimes it can be a challenge to create a list like this. Why? Because there are so.many.things. that we want to do in life. So we write them all down. Everything seems monumentally important. Especially if you feel like you are in any sort of crisis mode which I feel like I have been in for the past couple of years. Maybe crisis mode is not quite the right phrase. But fear might be. Fear of the unknown, not really understanding how to make the best choices for yourself and your family, so instead you hit a roadblock and become stagnant. Waiting for the right time, just like the Dr. Seuss says in Oh, the Places You’ll Go.
How to Evaluate Your List
When I first started this practice of considering what was most important, there were so many things that I would write down. Honestly, it seemed like everything was important to me! Here is a little sample:
- my faith
- my family
- whole foods
- simple living
- green living
- slow
- coffee
- clear spaces
- books
- minimalism
- cooking/baking from scratch
- self-sufficiency
- debt free living
- living within my means
There are honestly so many more things that I find important in my life. I have so many things that I want to DO. A lot of it may be slightly more complicated than it necessarily needs to be (all of that cooking & baking from scratch). But, when I look at my list, and lists I have made in the past, the big thing that stands out to me is that my most important thing is relationships – my relationship with God and my relationship with my family.
If you look at the rest of the list, everything else will end up being a support of that thing that I find most important – my relationships.
Everything else is really just a tool to help support my relationships (especially the coffee!).
Look over your list. Are there any particular items that stand out to you? Does your list include things that may support a broader, overall important thing in your life? When you look at your list, are there things you could let go of as long as that number one thing is OK?
That is how you know what is really most important. If I do nothing on my list except foster my relationships, I will be happy. My house may be a disaster, and we may eat out all the time, but as long as my relationships are solid, I can feel good about where I am at.
What about everything else on the list?
Just because you have things on your list that aren’t THE most important, does not mean they aren’t important. Take a look at your list again. All of those other items are what is going to support your most important thing.
Those supporting items are still important. You want to still find ways to implement these items into your days, weeks, months. That is when it becomes a little more challenging. How do you implement the changes in your days in order to support your most important thing. And, if you don’t end up implementing some of these other “important” items, does that mean that you are not supporting your most important thing?
You may find, as you go through this process of living a life you love, that things you THINK are important, aren’t actually important at all. And that is the beauty of introspection and evaluation.
The Bottom Line: What is most important in YOUR Life
You can live a life you love, focused on the things and people that are most important to you. It is all about choices. I know that there are always going to be things that crop up. Believe me, there have been many things over the span of my lifetime that seem like a complete bum deal. However, perspective and perseverance are going to be two large parts to this. Acceptance will be another.
There are going to be seasons where things seem to go really well. You are focused, you are making progress, you feel good about things. And then there will also be seasons of struggle. Struggle and roadblocks are never easy to overcome, but it can and will happen.
Today I want you to think about your list. Think about what is most important in your life. Then look at all of the supporting items. What is one small change that you can make today to start working towards that life you love? Is it one meal at home this week with your family? Is it not buying that coffee out so you can pay down debt? Or perhaps it is a field trip with your kids for homeschool even though you feel like you are so behind on the curriculum you have planned out for the year. Maybe it is packing snacks at the beginning of the day so that you don’t grab something unhealthy while you are running around trying to do all the things.
Just pick one small thing, and then do it! Then email me and let me know what your small thing was – and I will share mine with you!