
How to Define Your Dream Life

Have you ever sat down to define your dream life? Are you one who enjoys dreaming, or someone who is too much of a realist to think about what you might have down the road? Welcome to day two of crafting your dream life. Today we are going to attempt to define your dream life, and figure out what that looks like to you as an individual.

What is your dream life?

This is such an interesting question. In order to define your dream life, you have to take a step back and actually dream. That can be challenging for a lot of us. I understand exactly where I am right now, I know what is in my control, and dreaming can sometimes be challenging. But, it is OK to dream.

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I struggle with defining a dream life because I don’t often want to be dreaming. I want to set intentional, attainable, goals. When I dream too much, it seems like I count myself out before I even start. We will eventually take some time to become more realistic, but today is just about the dream.

If you are like me, and are very much a realist, I am going to ask you to put that on the back-burner while we make progress on this part of our process. What is your dream life? Take a couple of minutes and start jotting down some ideas.

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Define Your Dream Life: Questions

It is all well and good to be told to sit and define your dream life, but in practice it can be more challenging. You have to sit and ask yourself some tough questions. Where do you want to live? Who or what do you want to be surrounded by? What type of daily and weekly rhythms do you want to have? Is your lifestyle busy or more relaxed?

For me, I want to have a slow life. I want to savor my days surrounded by the people that matter to me. Rhythms are simple, but create a sense of renewal in my daily life. I’m not looking to have all of the things, just a few. I want comfort, and warmth, and family.

That doesn’t mean that you need to want all of those things. Remember that you are defining your own dream life. And we are all different! That is the beauty of dreaming, it is all about you and your wants and needs.

Making Dreams Reality

The challenge with being a realist is that it can limit you before you even get started. But, the reason we are starting with the dream is because we need to let go of some of that realism in order to find our best life. If you want to live your best life, the life of your dreams, you need to see it in front of you. But, if you decide that it can’t happen because it isn’t realistic, well you have limited yourself before you even begin. Perhaps you could get to that dream, but by telling yourself you can’t, you have already made the decision to not do it.

Of course you can’t adopt a wyvern and learn to fly on a pegasus, but your other dreams can become your reality. Especially if you define them.

Once you start defining your dreams, you get the amazing opportunity to start working towards them. When you remove self-limiting beliefs, you can then make small steps toward what you want your life to become. It doesn’t happen overnight, but those small steps add up to big progress in the long run.

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The Bottom Line

When you sit down to define your dream life, it may seem like just that, a dream. And for right now it is. But, as we continue this exploration of crafting your dream life, we will start to see the steps we need to take in order to make progress. Will you achieve it? Maybe, maybe not. But, think about how much better off you will be if you actually take the time to start dreaming.

Today is just about defining the dream. As we continue through this series we will continue to take little action steps to make that dream into a reality. That is what I am dreaming of for next year, and I hope that you are starting to think of your own dreams as well!

What is one Dream that you feel is too big right now? Why do you think it is too big?

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