FreedomProject Academy Online Courses
One of the amazing benefits of homeschooling today is the availability of resources. I think back to when I started homeschooling, and I wish that there were amazing options like FreedomProject Academy available back then. It would have made it a little less daunting to figure out what I was going to do with my own kids.
I think we all go through multiple stages of stress when it comes to homeschooling – first, when you make the initial decision to homeschool. It is a completely new idea to you, you don’t know how it works, but you are going to figure it out. Eventually, you understand your state requirements and feel good about the decisions that you make.
Next, after a few years, you have another moment where you are trying to figure out if the curriculum you are using is good or not. You are looking for activities and wondering if you should add in more outside help for your kids.
Then middle school and high school come along. At this point, it is almost like you are making the choice to homeschool all over again, and that is where it gets a little scary – what courses should your student be taking? How can you teach higher level math when you hated math in school? What about lab science? How do you manage teaching a foreign language?
FreedomProject Academy
This is where FreedomProject Academy comes into play. FreedomProject Academy is an online school that delivers a Judeo-Christian classical education from Kindergarten through 12th grade. They have many different options for enrollment. You can choose live, online classes. But, the flexibility comes into play with their self-paced “Anytime” classes and their homeschool options.
I absolutely love that you can choose to have either a graded class, through their Anytime option, or you can completely control course management through the homeschool option. As you start to get into middle and eventually high school, there are classes that you may not be comfortable teaching yourself, or classes you would like some extra help in, and FreedomProject Academy is a great choice.

How it Works
You can enroll in the classes at any time. They are pre-recorded, so you are able to take them at your pace. This is perfect for homeschoolers who tend to be busy with a lot of activities. Having the ability to take the course when you are able, rather than showing up at a specific time, is helpful.
The two self-paced options are “Anytime” and “Homeschool.” With the Anytime option, your student will be graded on the work that they do. It is still self-paced, but your student would submit their work for grading to FreedomProject Academy. If you are a busy parent, this is an awesome option. Also, you may not know exactly how to grade work for a particular class, so having the FPA do it for you is a huge bonus.
However, if you do not want the added grading, you can choose the “Homeschool” track. This allows you, the parent, to do the grading as you see fit. You are still getting the amazing content of the course, but you as the parent have more control on the eventual outcome and what you require from the course.
I was so excited about this option. Oftentimes when you have an online class, the grading is part of it. While that is great, I still like to have a bit of control as to what exactly my student needs to focus on. So, whether you want a more hands-off approach with the Anytime option, or a little bit more control with the Homeschool option, FPA has you covered.

FreedomProject Academy: Business Math
I had the opportunity to try out the Business Math course from FreedomProject Academy, and it did not disappoint. If you have been following along with my oldest’s senior year, one of the focuses that she has had is figuring out how to start her own business. Emma has been working hard at looking towards the future and understanding what she may need to move forward with her plans.
She has been interested in starting her own business for a long time, however, finding a business math course has been a little more challenging than I expected. She wasn’t quite ready for a college business class, so when I saw this as an option, we jumped at it.
Each course from FPA comes with a book list that is separate from the tuition for the course. For Business Math they use the Abeka Business Mathematics Textbook. Other courses may have multiple books and resources for your student to use. For instance, the lab sciences require you to get a lab kit. They have links and ISBN numbers for the exact books and resources you need, which is helpful. And each course has a syllabus you can look at before deciding on the course.
For Business Math you study the following sections:
- Stewardship
- Managing Your Business
- Investment
- Income & Taxes
- Banking
- Business Plan
Online Platform
Once you are enrolled in the class, you get access to FreedomProject Academy’s online platform. They use Canvas, which is a popular platform I have seen before. It is laid out in a very easy-to-use manner. The course is split up into modules, and the parent and student both have the ability to go in and see all of the course content and assignments due for each week. The courses are 36 weeks long, and you are able to go into each of the 36 weeks to see what the assignments and course instruction are for that particular week.

You will be able to see the progress for each individual week. If the student has done some of the work, but not all, it will show you. Each week your student will have assignments and videos to complete. As your student works through the material, it easily leads you to the next step for the week. The parent has the control of the schedule. You can split up the week however it works best for your family, and each week can be different depending on your own individual schedule.
The course instruction videos vary on length. I have seen videos as short as 20 minutes, and as long as an hour. It will depend on the course you are taking, as well as which module you are on as to the length of the videos.
Extra Help
There is the option to email your teacher if there are questions or concerns. I also like that there is a calendar, so that you can go in and assign work on specific days for your student. I think this is helpful to keep everyone on track, as well as remove a little bit of questioning from your student as to what is next, or when something is due.
What else does FPA offer?
One thing that I think sets FreedomProject Academy apart from other online courses is the option of clubs. These are extracurricular activities that your student can participate in. Some are free, while others have a fee associated with them. But, if you are looking for some more fun and outside class interaction, these clubs are a fun option!
They are available to all students, not only students enrolled in the live classes. You can see some of the clubs that have been offered in the past below, or by clicking here.

The Bottom Line
If you are looking for courses that your student will love from a Judeo-Christian Classical background, FreedomProject Academy is going to be an awesome choice. I love the selection of courses available, everything from core courses, to Latin, Logic, and Music Theory. The ability to have a teacher teach your child the course is a huge help, especially as you get into the middle and high school years.
FreedomProject Academy allows you to continue moving forward with your choice to homeschool with outside help, while also having the freedom to manage the schedule that you want.
I encourage you to check out FreedomProject Academy and all of the amazing courses they offer!
Thank you to FreedomProject Academy for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own.