seeking balance

bal·ance – an even distribution of weight
enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady; offset or compare
the value of (one thing) with another.
This year I chose balance as my “word of the year.”  It seemed to be the one word that was jumping
out at me constantly.  How can I achieve
balance in my life?
I am a child of God, a wife and mother, a blogger, a friend,
a daughter, sister.  Now, on the count of
three, throw all of those things up in the air, and hope for the best.  That is how it has been for me for several
years.  Dealing with the urgent
emergencies, and trying to prioritize everything.  It becomes daunting after a while.  How do we keep all of those balls up in the
air without dropping one or more?
Life has gotten so entirely complicated.  There are so many choices to make every
single day.  You have to actively pursue
balance daily in order to achieve it, or to feel like you are going in the right
We’re each given freedom to choose our decisions, and that responsibility
is the very definition of living with intention, after all: making daily
choices so that your life lines up with your passions and values. It should all
make sense in your head. ~Tsh Oxenreider Notes From a Blue Bike
Intention; this
has become a buzz word in the past several years.  Or maybe it is something that I have been
concentrating on so much the past couple of years; it is the only thing I
see.  You know, like when you buy a car,
and then you seem to see that car everywhere you go?  Intention goes right along with balance.  You need to make the choices to balance your
life, you need to make the choices to live intentionally, and that is going to
look different for every person.
I have decided to do a bit of a series on balance, and what
that means for me and my family.  It
obviously will not be a road map for your life. 
Your choices and desires, and family, are all different than mine, but I
hope that it helps you to question what your priorities are, and perhaps help
you get on the path that you want to be on.
I know that this is just another part of my journey.  Do I have all the answers?  Absolutely not!  I know that I won’t turn around tomorrow and
have balance in my life, even though I hope and pray for that daily.  I know that I have to actively seek out that
balance, and not let the circumstances of life direct my path.  Writing is a release for me, it helps me to
center my thoughts and process the ideas that I have, and you get to join in by
reading all the craziness!
Do you have any tips
for balance?  What are some of the
important choices you are making to align your family life with your beliefs?

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