
The Systems of Considering you need to Succeed

What are systems of considering? Yesterday we talked about how you should use considering and reflection with your life to make the changes needed to make progress. And today and tomorrow we are going to go through some of the systems that I use in order to craft my dream life.

What are Systems of Considering?

First, we should start with what considering itself is. Considering is the act of thinking ahead to what you may want to try. It is the dreaming that happens before the doing. You may see something exciting on social media, or on YouTube. It can be a new hobby, or goal, or habit that you want to try out.

Considering is the thinking phase. It happens before the actual plan comes into action. So anytime you sit down to flesh out ideas, you are doing the act of considering.

My Considering

I have been working on my own systems of considering for years. Considering is the fancy name I call it, but journaling is also appropriate. We talked about how to use journaling in your own life in a variety of ways already this month, but I wanted to dig deeper on considering itself.

Oftentimes people miss the mark with considering because they don’t want to take the time to do it. It seems a little out there, to sit down and write out all the possibilities. But, I believe all of that considering actually helps you work through what the next steps are. Without considering your time, your family life, your wants and needs, you are going to struggle to make progress in the life you want to live.

When you take time to consider, it helps you to flesh out ideas, and prompts new ones to take form in your mind.

Systems of Considering

Systems of considering are those rhythms you have implemented that allow you the time and space to sit down and figure out what is next. I have a few different systems that I think would be a big benefit to you.

Let’s start big picture. You can go back and check out my post on vision boards but this is a great way to start the considering process. You need to know what you are looking for, and vision boards are a great way to do that. This system allows you to dream, it allows you to think big picture, and that is a great place to start. If images aren’t your jam, start with lists – this is what I like to do. Journal about all the ways your life would feel better to you if you could do x.

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The next system is goal setting. When you consider your goals, you are making a plan to achieve your dreams, you are considering all of the possibilities in front of you. This is my favorite type of considering because I love to think of the actions that I can take to improve my life as well as the my family’s lives. It is a huge boost to my energy to think in this way.

The final system that I have implemented is the system of the brain dump. This system is all about considering the nitty gritty that needs to be done. But, this is also about getting all of the thoughts out of your head so that you can make progress on your goals and action plans.

Oftentimes, within the brain dump itself, there will be items that you need to consider further, and journal about. Whether they are feelings you need to process, or ideas that you need to spend time fleshing out. Taking the time to brain dump is one of the best systems of considering out there. It allows your brain to let go of those thoughts, because you have a system in place to deal with them.

The Bottom Line

In order to create systems of considering, you have to figure out what is going to work best for you. It is such an individual experience it is hard for me to say exactly what may be the best step for you.

For me, I love the journaling aspect. I love the dreaming and the ideas that come to me when I am considering. I take time each month during my monthly reset day to sit down and consider the month ahead. This is also something that happens quarterly and yearly. Thinking ahead is one of my favorite things to do, and I know that it has allowed me the opportunity to accomplish more goals because I have practiced that dreaming. It doesn’t mean that I can only dream. In fact, we already discussed going from dreamer to doer, but if you have a good plan in place that you make progress on, continuing to dream and consider is just as valuable.

How often do you sit down to consider the seasons ahead? Have you ever wanted to sit down and dream a little? What is holding you back?

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