31 Days – What is Self-Care?

When I say self-care, what do you think of? What do you think self-care means? I decided to do a little search using my
friend Google to find out if there is an actual definition, and Google did not
friend Google to find out if there is an actual definition, and Google did not
According to the World Health Organization self-care is:
individuals, families, and communities undertake with the intention of
enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health.
individuals, families, and communities undertake with the intention of
enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health.
Well, that seems a little intense to me! Who knew that self-care would be such a broad
I believe self-care to be the connection of physical,
emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life coming together to promote health
and well-being.
emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life coming together to promote health
and well-being.
As a mama, that can be somewhat tricky to manage.
I know that every day it seems like I have 101 urgent needs
to attend to, and taking care of me seems to come at the very end of it, if at
to attend to, and taking care of me seems to come at the very end of it, if at
I mean, there are often times when I have trouble making my
own lunch, so I eat whatever is left over from the kids’. I barely have time to take a shower some
days, let alone do my hair and makeup and dress nicely, and even if I did that,
most likely one of the kids would spill something on me.
own lunch, so I eat whatever is left over from the kids’. I barely have time to take a shower some
days, let alone do my hair and makeup and dress nicely, and even if I did that,
most likely one of the kids would spill something on me.
are some examples of self-care?
are some examples of self-care?
I think that there are tons of different ways to provide self-care,
here are some of them, and I plan to discuss them all much more throughout this
here are some of them, and I plan to discuss them all much more throughout this
Getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep
Eating a whole foods diet
Eating a whole foods diet
Drinking lots of water
Drinking lots of water
Cutting back on caffeine – this is a hard one
for me!
Cutting back on caffeine – this is a hard one
for me!
Taking a retreat
Taking a retreat
Setting life goals
Setting life goals
Having a good morning routine
Having a good morning routine
Bible reading and meditation
Bible reading and meditation
There are a lot of other ways to define self-care, but we
will get into that more as the days and weeks move on.
will get into that more as the days and weeks move on.
I would
love to know: What one thing do you try to do just for you every day?
love to know: What one thing do you try to do just for you every day?
For me, I try to get up every morning before the kids, have
a HOT cup of coffee and write. It helps
center me, and prepares me for a day with 3 little ones!
a HOT cup of coffee and write. It helps
center me, and prepares me for a day with 3 little ones!
I do need this. It feels like I haven't actually taken cared of myself the past few months.
This is great. I think taking care of yourself is so important.
I'm trying so hard to make more time for myself. Self care is so important, I just think it's hard when you have a little kid at home
This is a great list! My favorite thing for self care is an epsom salt bath every week. It helps me start the week off in a calm manner. 🙂
These are great ideas. I really need to be better about eating healthier and getting more sleep. I would love to find time to write before my kids are awake, but it seems I actually write better after they go to bed at night.
Great ideas. I fall short in a lot of those but find that quality time with my family rejuvenates me.
I have to get ready. I just need those 20-30 mins to put myself together in the morning. If I don't, I feel gross and that just makes me crabby all day. My daughter is great and totally gives me the time I need.
cutting back on caffeine is a hard one for me as well. I don't' sleep well and live on coffee all day long to get through – always on the go with three kiddos! Life of a mom!☺
Self care is so important, and you have some great ideas on your list. I especially love being in scripture and getting enough sleep. But cutting back on caffeine would be damaging to my health!!
I tend to forget self-care too often then get overwhelmed and crash an burn. This is a practice I KNOW is important, but I sadly don't follow through for myself most of the time.
I have added meditation to my life this year in the name of self-care. I rally helps center me.
I make sure I get enough sleep, but sometimes, my online work won't allow me. I also start my day with a mug of coffee.
I so need to focus more on self care! I stretch myself way too thin and then can't figure out why I am so worn down!
Getting enough sleep is definitely my biggest struggle! My 7 month old has not been sleeping well at all and it is tough to get enough right now. Maybe some day… haha
I guess after reading your post I need to take care my self better, I never have enough sleep 🙁
I would like to be better at thinking of myself for once so that is something I need to practice. I need some me time.
I'm still learning self care, it's such a challenge for me! I'm striving to break, or at least cut down, the caffeine and up the water right now!
Once the kids are finally in bed and asleep I light candles and write or read or watch a movie or whatever I feel like.The most important thing for me though is probably reminding myself to stop and think before volunteering myself for something, it doesn't come easy but I am always glad when I do it saves a lot of extra stress.
Once the kids are finally in bed and asleep I light candles and write or read or watch a movie or whatever I feel like.The most important thing for me though is probably reminding myself to stop and think before volunteering myself for something, it doesn't come easy but I am always glad when I do it saves a lot of extra stress.
Self care, for me, is rest (not a mom, obviously)., With my health, I have to make sure I do a few self care things, and daily. So rest is just one of the key components.
I start my day with coffee too, getting it all set up before bed. Then try to head out for a run before everyone gets up. I have realized over the years that going to bed at a decent hour is the most important self care thing I can do. This mama doesn't do well with too little sleep. 😉
Tricia (from http://www.roadtriptheworld.com)
I am looking forward to this series! I am horrible with self-care, mainly because I feel that I do quite a few things "for me" but there isn't always enough of the *right* things going on – which is the same as doing nothing!
I try and journal every day. It doesn't always happen, but to write something down each day is one of the best ways I have to try and manage. I've a nice notebook to do it in, and a fountain pen (with bright pink ink, even!) and it's just soothing. 🙂
I love journaling! It is something that definitely centers me. And I love that you have a fountain pen with bright pink ink! I will have to search for something like that, I am always looking for new, fun pens 🙂
I'm excited to read this series! Self care for me is getting up before everyone as well. I need to take that time to prepare for the day and have some coffee. That's a treat – to have a little peace before the day begins. Looking forward to reading more – I love your definition by the way! Spot on!
Yes, that time in the morning with HOT coffee is the best 🙂