31 Days – What is Self-Care?



When I say self-care, what do you think of?  What do you think self-care means?  I decided to do a little search using my
friend Google to find out if there is an actual definition, and Google did not
According to the World Health Organization self-care is:

individuals, families, and communities undertake with the intention of
enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health.
Well, that seems a little intense to me!  Who knew that self-care would be such a broad




I believe self-care to be the connection of physical,
emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life coming together to promote health
and well-being.
As a mama, that can be somewhat tricky to manage.
I know that every day it seems like I have 101 urgent needs
to attend to, and taking care of me seems to come at the very end of it, if at
I mean, there are often times when I have trouble making my
own lunch, so I eat whatever is left over from the kids’.  I barely have time to take a shower some
days, let alone do my hair and makeup and dress nicely, and even if I did that,
most likely one of the kids would spill something on me.
are some examples of self-care?
I think that there are tons of different ways to provide self-care,
here are some of them, and I plan to discuss them all much more throughout this
Getting enough sleep
Eating a whole foods diet
Drinking lots of water
Cutting back on caffeine – this is a hard one
for me!
Taking a retreat
Setting life goals
Having a good morning routine
Bible reading and meditation
There are a lot of other ways to define self-care, but we
will get into that more as the days and weeks move on.
I would
love to know: What one thing do you try to do just for you every day?
For me, I try to get up every morning before the kids, have
a HOT cup of coffee and write.  It helps
center me, and prepares me for a day with 3 little ones!

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  1. These are great ideas. I really need to be better about eating healthier and getting more sleep. I would love to find time to write before my kids are awake, but it seems I actually write better after they go to bed at night.

  2. I have to get ready. I just need those 20-30 mins to put myself together in the morning. If I don't, I feel gross and that just makes me crabby all day. My daughter is great and totally gives me the time I need.

  3. cutting back on caffeine is a hard one for me as well. I don't' sleep well and live on coffee all day long to get through – always on the go with three kiddos! Life of a mom!☺

  4. Self care is so important, and you have some great ideas on your list. I especially love being in scripture and getting enough sleep. But cutting back on caffeine would be damaging to my health!!

  5. I tend to forget self-care too often then get overwhelmed and crash an burn. This is a practice I KNOW is important, but I sadly don't follow through for myself most of the time.

  6. Once the kids are finally in bed and asleep I light candles and write or read or watch a movie or whatever I feel like.The most important thing for me though is probably reminding myself to stop and think before volunteering myself for something, it doesn't come easy but I am always glad when I do it saves a lot of extra stress.


  7. Once the kids are finally in bed and asleep I light candles and write or read or watch a movie or whatever I feel like.The most important thing for me though is probably reminding myself to stop and think before volunteering myself for something, it doesn't come easy but I am always glad when I do it saves a lot of extra stress.


  8. I start my day with coffee too, getting it all set up before bed. Then try to head out for a run before everyone gets up. I have realized over the years that going to bed at a decent hour is the most important self care thing I can do. This mama doesn't do well with too little sleep. 😉
    Tricia (from http://www.roadtriptheworld.com)

  9. I am looking forward to this series! I am horrible with self-care, mainly because I feel that I do quite a few things "for me" but there isn't always enough of the *right* things going on – which is the same as doing nothing!
    I try and journal every day. It doesn't always happen, but to write something down each day is one of the best ways I have to try and manage. I've a nice notebook to do it in, and a fountain pen (with bright pink ink, even!) and it's just soothing. 🙂

    1. I love journaling! It is something that definitely centers me. And I love that you have a fountain pen with bright pink ink! I will have to search for something like that, I am always looking for new, fun pens 🙂

  10. I'm excited to read this series! Self care for me is getting up before everyone as well. I need to take that time to prepare for the day and have some coffee. That's a treat – to have a little peace before the day begins. Looking forward to reading more – I love your definition by the way! Spot on!

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