What should you do every day to achieve your dream life?
What should you do every day to achieve your dream life? That is an interesting question! We have talked about some of the daily habits that will help you on your way to crafting your dream life, and those are a great start. But, what else do you need to do?
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I read an interesting quote the other day by Brian P. Moran from The 12-Week Year. If you haven’t picked up that book before, I highly recommend it. It will give you an amazing framework in order to achieve your goals, and design a life you love.
To be truly effective, your daily activity must align with your long-term vision, strategies, and tactics.
Think about that. What should you do every day? The daily activities that align with your long-term vision. It sounds a little easier than it is to actually implement. But, what if you focused on those activities that help you move in the direction you want your life to go instead of the things that don’t add to your life at all?
What should YOU do every day?
If you were to write down everything that you do in a day, would you say that 100% of those things support your long-term vision? Probably unlikely. There are going to be things that we have to do that may not completely align, but most likely have some impact on our day-to-day. My first piece of advice is to write down all the things you are doing in a day.
Have you ever done this before? It can be as easy as a brain dump list of all the things. Or it can be something much more data driven like a time inventory. Whatever method you choose, take some time and write out all the things. It may sound strange, but this is a great exercise in understanding, first, where your time goes. And second, what things you are doing that may not align with your long-term vision.
If you can connect it with what you want your life to be, it stays. But, if it is something that you don’t actually see value in, it is OK to cut it from your life.
What should you cut?
This is going to be the harder part. Why? Because you may not know if you should actually cut something. But, and this is important, just because you cut something doesn’t mean that it can never be put back into your life.
Sometimes you need to cut something for a short time, and then re-introduce it. Or perhaps you need to do that thing at a different part of the day. Adjusting your habits is just as important as having them. You want them to work for you, not the other way around.
So, what should you do every day? Those things that are going to continue to push you towards your dream life. The things that will pay off in the long run.
What should you do every day: Ideas
I know that sometimes it is harder to come up with what to do every day. It can easily be an overwhelming idea. Here are some things that you can do every day to help you move toward that dream life:
- Check in with your goals
- Review your long-range plan
- Set aside time to work on your goals
- Plan for your day/week/month/season
- Practice gratitude
- Include random acts of kindness into your rhythm
- Reflect on the day
- Focus on a growth mindset
- Seek out learning through books, podcasts, periodicals, or videos
The Bottom Line
In order to understand what you should do every day, you need to be active. It is a constant evaluation and re-evaluation of your life direction. When you take the time to reflect regularly, you are able to see where you need to make small changes. This will be easier in the long-run because you won’t have huge pivots that you need to make.
Of course there are times when a large pivot is necessary (2020 anyone?), but for the most part, once you start on the path, making little adjustments along the way is the way to go. That is why it is so important to figure out what you should be doing every day. Not your friends, not someone you see on YouTube, but what YOU should be doing.
What is one thing you do every day that is pushing you toward your dream life? What is one thing you need to change in order to have the same outcome?